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Love Lessons from France

Oh, mon dieu, you didn’t know the French had so much to teach us about love and dating? (I mean other than the pickup line Voulez vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?)

Well, it’s true. In fact, my next Axe-sponsored article for, Love Lessons From France, is up on the site and full of fun stuff. Be there or be place. (Gee, I thought the French word for “square” would be a little more fun. But see, the French are practical, too: the metaphorical word for “boring” actually is boring.) Find out what else they can teach us here:

Looking at that photo above is sure making me want to book a trip to Paris with my husband. Perhaps the final love lesson should be, no matter how old you are or how much money you do or don’t have, I think every couple should try to make it to Paris together in their lifetime.

I mean, think about it: If you put a dollar away every single day, then in five years, well…by then in Euros, we’ll probably only be able to afford two chocolate croissants. But won’t they be the best you’ve ever had?

Do yourselves a romantic favor: Put France on your relationship bucket list.
