Amy Spencer is a Los Angeles-based writer and author.

Bright Side Up
100 Ways to Be Happier Right Now
Great news! You don’t have to change your whole life to be happier if you can see what’s right in front of you in new way. This positive, practical book provides fresh strategies for seeing those flat tires, bad dates and tough days from a better, brighter perspective.

Meeting Your Half-Orange
An Utterly Upbeat Guide to Using Dating Optimism to Find Your Perfect Match
“If you’re single, drop everything and read this book. It will completely change dating for you as you know it. I can work out your body, but Amy will get your love life in shape!”

The Happy Life Checklist
654 Simple Ways to Find Your Bliss
Are you getting through your To Do list every day but still want to feel more fulfilled? Then start adding in the bright little moments that really matter in your happiness. The Happy Life Checklist is spilling over with small yet powerful ideas based in science and positive psychology that can jumpstart your life for good.